Hey, it's me again
I enjoy many things:
Training and playing with my dogs. I have two Border Collies, Nina and Alyx. Having them and making sure they behave appropiately is a full-time job. And I love it.
Writing. Mainly about personal finance, investments and personal development, but also about technology and life journaling.
Reading. In order to learn and write better, I also need to read a lot. My favorite genres are sci-fi and personal development. Check my Goodreads profile for more details.
Playing videogames. They have been an important time of my live, and I believe they will continue to be in the long future.
Teaching. I do so mainly in the form of writing, but also in 1:1 conversations. I teach and share my knowledge around money and investments to mexican people, and about technology to anyone who wants it.
My core values
There are plenty of things that change over time, but my core values do not. These values are what drive all my decisions:
Family. My family is paramount. If something's gonna harm my relationship with my family, then I won't do it.
Privacy. I'm against using people's data to drive revenue. That's reflected throughout my whole lifestyle. I don't support any of Facebook's companies. I don't have Instagram. I don't use Google Search. I don't use Chrome. I don't use Gmail. Is it troublesome and impractical most of the time? Yes. But that's the path I decided to take, and you can do as you please.
There are some conflicts with privacy and family tho. I can't completely leave WhatsApp because that's where most of my family hangs around; and that's the most used messaging platform in Mexico.
Oh, by the way, this site doesn't track you at all. I don't even know how many people visit it, and I don't care.
Money. The amount of money is rarely the driver of my decisions right now. I have a good insight on how much is enough. So, if I need to trade freedom and flexibility for money, I'd probably not do it. If a decision is likely to help me sleep better at night, then I'll take it.
Meaningful work. Sounds like cliché, but working in something I love and enjoy makes a big difference in my life. Especially if it's something I'm a user of.
At this point in my life I wouldn't switch jobs for money or status, I'd do it only for more meaningful work.
My timeline
Started Portuguese and beach tennis classes.
Moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Resurrected this website.
Promoted to Lead Software Engineer at Nubank.
Promoted to Senior Software Engineer at Nubank.
Started working at Nubank as a Software Engineer.
Left Wizeline.
- Transformed this site from a technical blog to my personal website.
Started working at Wizeline as a Software Engineer.
Left Handy.
Promoted to Technical Lead at Handy.
Started working at Handy as a Software Developer.