David Ojeda All posts

On learning, but not really learning

· Reading time: 1 min

I've read many books on business, self-improvement, entrepreneurship, and software. And I consider myself guilty of not applying the learnings I got as much as I should.

At the time of this writing, I'm about to kill a project that I spend several months developing. Why? Because I didn't validate it before going in too deep.

And it's funny because I know that developing a solution for a non-existent problem is extremely common. And I know there are ways to evaluate business ideas quicker and cheaper. And I know that not talking early to potential customers is a recipe for failure.

Yet, I committed all those mistakes.

I threw myself into the hype of learning a new programming language and using a new-shinning Open Banking tool to solve problems that nobody had.

Yes, I learned a lot on the technical side, and that's the only reason I don't consider this endeavor a total mess. But, still, I knew most of these things and didn't do anything about it.

So here are my 10 recommendations on... just kidding.

I re-learned a lot of what I had already read; now I'm my flesh, and with my own money. Ouch. As they say in Spanish: "Nadie aprende en cabeza ajena".

Shit will get better.